Atlas and Abstract Art

Outside of “seeing” a new piece in a pile of scraps, one of the most inspiring parts of my craft is getting to know other artists. The shared spirit of the creative process – how we all begin our work – is strangely the same in many ways, while being very different and unique to each artist.

Spent some time with the talented Peter Smolenski recently, playing guitar and goofing off in his yard while test driving his rad googles – I need to get a pair of these!atlas

Botshop tips and tricks

Quick fab/finishing hack for all you welders out there. Cut up a few small pieces of Scotch-Brite and run a piece of threaded rod through some washers and nuts. Put it in the drill and Voila! A great buffer/finisher for stainless that’s cheap and gets in tight spots.

What tips or tricks do you use around your shop?


Robot Profiles: What goes into a name?

Alpha or Άλφα is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It is also a military radio code (A- Alpha, B – Bravo, C- Charlie etc.) which pays homage to the original owner of many of these parts.

In English, the noun alpha is often used as a synonym for beginning and in zoology, alpha is used to name the dominant individual in a wolf or dog pack or more broadly in the social hierarchy – pack leaders.

A new beginning and a pack leader? We must be talking about Alpha-1 my newest ShopBot. Dancing around on telephone poles, playing video games and go for walks with other robots are just a few of his past times now…and his favorite hobby is going to the salon for a hair do!
