Makers & Tinkerers: Connect with me at the Maker Faire in October

Mark your calendar for the Greater Hartford Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Tunxis Community College in Farmington. I’ll be bringing my Shopbots along for a steady stream of fun and instruction – come by my booth for a visit (or a laugh!).

This free event is celebration of invention and creativity – open to people of all ages who are interested in creating, making, building, innovating, tinkering, hacking, engineering, designing or connecting.

Hartford Maker Faire BotMaker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker Movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making, and share what they are learning.

The aim is to entertain, inform, connect and grow the maker community – uniting, inspiring, informing, and entertaining a growing community of resourceful people who undertake amazing projects in their backyards, basements, and garages. I hope to see you there.


Join me at LOOP DE LOOP


tmrennert_hawkeye.jpgEasthampton City Arts+ Gallery is hosting a sneak peek satellite exhibit of LOOP artists where you can see a few of my recent pieces up-close and personal – including Hawkeye, who features a vintage brownie camera.

The exhibit kicks off with a reception during Art Walk Easthampton this coming Saturday, September 12 from 5 to 8pm and the gallery show will continue through September 29.

If you can’t make it to ECA+ please visit me at LOOP September 26 and 27. This 2 day event features a wide range of handmade repurposed art, jewelry, home décor, furniture, clothing and accessories.





Robot Profiles: What goes into a name?

Alpha or Άλφα is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It is also a military radio code (A- Alpha, B – Bravo, C- Charlie etc.) which pays homage to the original owner of many of these parts.

In English, the noun alpha is often used as a synonym for beginning and in zoology, alpha is used to name the dominant individual in a wolf or dog pack or more broadly in the social hierarchy – pack leaders.

A new beginning and a pack leader? We must be talking about Alpha-1 my newest ShopBot. Dancing around on telephone poles, playing video games and go for walks with other robots are just a few of his past times now…and his favorite hobby is going to the salon for a hair do!
